I think that life is made up of two types of people, people that change lives and people that need their lives changed. Just like all, categories, there are definitely people that don’t fit into each category, but those are the exceptions to the rule. For the most part, if you think of the people in your life, you can categorize each person into a “life changer” or a “change needer”.
Life changer:
When you think of the people that have touched your life, have been an inspiration to you, or impacted your life beyond belief; those are the people known as life changers. They are the people that are always there for you, the people that don’t care about themselves, but only care about you. These are the people that are always only a phone call away. They are the people that, when thinking about life, were there when no one else was. These are the “doers” in life, instead of just wishing things were different, they roll their sleeves up and get out there and make the change they want to see. They are the people who you respect, admire, and what to grow up to be just like. They are the people that inspired you to be a better person, and motivated you to keep going when you didn’t have one more ounce of fight left in you. They are the people that told you it was going to be okay, held you when you needed to cry, or just sat in silence with you as you worked through your own thoughts. These are the people that left an impression in your heart and on your mind, and these are the people that you will never forget. Life changers walk the walk, rather than talk the talk.
Change needer:
Everyone knows a change needer. Whether you realize it or not, these are the people who lean too much on other people. They need validation from people; they need constant reassurance that they are doing the right thing. They always want your opinion about things, and they can never do anything by themselves. They are the people that leech off the life changers. These are the people that always talk about how they wish things were different but they never make any effort to pursue the change that they want to see. Change needers complain about their lives, instead of trying to fix the problem; and the change that they do want to see, they expect someone else to help make it happen. These are the type of people that think that everyone else in the world owes them something, and that they are entitled to lean on other people rather than standing on their own two feet. These people are constantly worried about their own well being, instead of caring about others around them. When you ask these people how they are, they will talk for hours about themselves, and won’t take the time to find out how you are. If they do ask, you know it isn’t genuine, and they are only asking out of formality. These are the people in your life that don’t seem to make much of an impression; you may never forget them, but for all the wrong reasons. These are the people that go through life, just following the motions, and are not passionate about anything in their life. They never focus on the positive aspects of life, and more than likely are always talking about the things that are going wrong or need changed. Change needers talk the talk, rather than walk the walk.
My advice on how to improve your own life: If you need change, seek to find a way to change it. Don’t rely on other people to make your life exciting. Don’t expect others to aid your every move. Be there for the people you love; do it because you want to and not because you think you have to. Find something to be passionate about. Be the person you want to be, and if you wish your life was different, there is always a way to get where you want. If you are stuck in a rut, find a way to get out of it. Stop making excuses about why you can’t or why it’s too hard to do, and just do it. It isn’t other people’s responsibility to make you happy; it is your responsibility to make yourself happy. Do what you love, and love what you do. Focus on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative. Make your life into what you want it to be.
What kind of person are you?