Ready? I'm weird because:
I watch YouTube videos more than I watch TV. (Don't ask about my subscriptions because they are embarrassing.)
I love Teen Mom. Like, I even made a Twitter so I can follow them.
I play Candy Crush obsessively.
The more depressed I am, the less I sleep.
Starr and I have to divide chores, who gets to pick the TV show and who has to take care of the animals which nights because otherwise we fight. But that's the only thing we fight about.
I'm an extremely co-dependent being. I get a little crazy if I'm away from Starr or Kenzie for too long. Like more than 10 hours.
But I also get grumpy if I don't have alone time. I love being alone.
It feels like the more I learn, the dumber I feel.
I suck at fundraisers because I hate humans. They are my least favorite animal. (Besides snakes)
I listen to podcasts while I fall asleep.
I have to have a blue Monster, every single day.
I have to have a blue Monster, every single day.
That's the end of my weirdness for the night.