Friday, September 20, 2013

Home Is Where My Heart Is

As an extreme introvert and sufferer of social anxiety, I love being home. I would be perfectly happy staying home, 24/7, with my animals, occasionally venturing upstairs to visit my parents. (As long as Starr brought home Monsters and nail polish.) But life isn't perfect and I do have to leave the house, albeit rarely. Because I spend so much of my time at home I'm constantly adding to/changing my decor. We scored some really great items at the Chokecherry Festival earlier this month.

 We chose Brown seeing as it as it will be our shared last name by this time next year!

 A really cool window pane with a calendar that can be filled in with dry erase markers
that doubles as a coat hanger

And a few pictures of our bedroom because we got a new bed!

Next time you check in, this blog should have undergone a face lift! I'm working on Kenzie update blog, if anyone has any questions be sure to comment here or message me on Facebook and I'll include it in that blog post. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I missed the anniversary! My blog turned 2 years old on August 17, 2013. My life and this blog have both changed so much in the past 2 years. I’ve gone through the grief process and come out on the other side: alive, but changed. The hardest part of the entire process was letting go of what I wanted my life to be like and accepting the life I was meant to live. The journey will probably never end, but I’m at a point where I’ve learned to cope and actually enjoy living.

This blog has changed from being somewhere I would come to let out anger, sadness and pain – to a place where I come to document small adventures, share all the crazy thoughts that cross my mind and share a little bit of my (not good) poetry. I’d like to write more daily blogs to get into the habit of being more open and to have documentation. Everyone remembers all the big moments, but it’s nice to look back at my previous posts and remember where I was, the things I did, and what I felt. So that’s what this blog is heading for!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Little Love

Some exciting news! Starr and I filed domestic partnership paperwork last week! Woo! Because we live in Montana we don't really get any rights with it, I'm just able to be on her insurance that she receives through her new job. Today, we are going to fill out our medical power of attorney paperwork and get it notarized so we are protected if anything happens. It's important for everyone, especially committed same-sex couples to have a medical power of attorney, financial power attorney and living will. (A key example of what could happen: another step in the journey of us! 

Last week we bought new (to us) furniture!
Starr and I had an entire "Girlfriend" weekend and stayed 
away from social media/texting for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 
We hung out with the furbabes, cleaned and just hung out 
with one another- utter perfection.
I gave Starr a little something for her week ahead. 
And Starr brought me home a few surprises!
I quit chewing my nails this summer and she likes to bring home polishes and new things to try. 

Wouldn't be a blog without pictures of the animals!

I'm a lucky girl.
Thanks for reading! 
What was the highlight of YOUR week?