Saturday, February 4, 2012


I've gotten into the habit of a routine. I've been withdrawn and reclusive. I feel numb, which would seem a lot better than hurting but I'd rather feel something. I've started reading a lot more and I've stayed mostly offline. I didn't talk to my parents or any friends for about a week. I'm mostly writing today just because I need to stay in the habit of writing. I know its good for me, even if I'm not feeling it.

New things in my life:
-Kenzie's been doing some pretty cool tricks.
-I'm adding another tattoo to my arm this month, it's slowly becoming a sleeve.
-My Ambien makes me have some pretty crazy hallucinations.
-My life is boring as hell. I just eat and watch Dr. Phil, I need some change.
-I'm switching to weekends off in 10 days.
-I'm reading the Hunger Games series, I'm really not as impressed with them as most people seem to be.
-I've been a sucky friend.
-I wish everyone had a blog so I could see inside their heads.

Here are some pictures of my daily life! They include a love note from Girlfriend, a pie she made, our cute faces and Kenzie:

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