Monday, January 30, 2012

Honesty: The Best Of All The Lost Hearts

Not enough people are honest anymore.

It's just easier to say something that might not be the whole truth then to be truthful and hurt someone's feelings. It's easy to put up with someone you don't like. It's easy to talk about something trivial like the weather or what movie you saw this weekend. It's easy to ignore what's going unsaid. It's easy to internalize pain and go on with your daily life. It's easy to go to sleep and forget about the hurt. It's easy to cry at night and pray no one can hear you.

But the hard thing to do, is always the right thing to do. It takes courage to do the right thing.

It's hard to tell the truth, no matter what happens or who gets hurt. It's hard to end a friendship, even when you've quit liking that person. It's hard to talk about what's going on inside your head and heart. It's hard to talk about what everyone is thinking, but what no one is saying. It's hard to reach out and ask for help. It's hard ask someone to stay up and talk about the pain you're feeling.

I'm an honest girl, sometimes to a fault. I tell my parents everything, probably too much. When we talk there isn't anything I omit. Anyone can ask me anything, I'll tell them the answer with no filter. I went through my sneaky years in high school where I got tangled in lies a few times, but then I realized that it's just easier to tell the truth. I don't have to worry about keeping my story straight, I don't feel guilty, I don't dwell on anything. I talk about it. Everything is out there in the open. I live publicly for a few reasons:

1. It's a challenge to not be bitter. When you reach out to people, they reach back. They bring light and love with them and it renews hope when the world seems too dark.

2. It keeps me accountable. I have nothing to hide and it's a relief. I don't post my every thought or everything that happens in my life, but I do post everything that pertains to just me. I don't always include issues that happen in my family life, but that's not for my protection, that's for my family's.

Because I put myself out there, I open myself up to critiscm and judgement. I haven't grown a thicker skin, although some would say I should. I don't want things not to bother me. I don't want to have an 'I don't care' attitude. I want to feel everything. I want to keep my heart open.

To me honesty is one of the most important qualities to have. I always stay true to myself. I am by no means perfect, but I open my heart and my mind to anyone willing to listen. I know some people who are not honest, and that is hard for me. I always say "go big or go home". I apply that to most things in life, including honesty; be honest or shut the hell up.

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