Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm Being Negative Nelly

I can honestly say that when I am done with this chapter of my life, it’s going to be closed, completely. I haven’t met one person that I can honestly say that I would like to still be friends with when I leave. These are the people I am leaving behind:

The College Girls—The ones that were so obsessed with what the others were doing that they couldn’t see that they were fucking up friendships. They were honestly the cattiest group of bitches I’ve ever met.

The I-Wanna-Have-Sex-With-You-and-Your-Girlfriend Friend—WTF. We started as work friends and became better friends, eventually hanging out 3-4 times a week. Then we became best friends and had an honest, laid-back friendship where we could talk about anything. Then came the weird text messages, talking about how we should all ‘be together.’ Then came the touching, at first it wasn’t weird, an arm around me at a drunken party, touching Starr’s foot, but then touching became rubbing and we couldn’t handle it. So we let him know and what do you know? He freaked the fuck out. We quit being friends.

The I-Liked-You-Til-You-Grew-Up Friends—We would party every weekend, stay up til 6AM, hide from cops in the attic, talk about butt stuff and get so drunk we would forget how to walk. Then Kenzie had her accident and they never called again.

The Bosses—They are running the business into the ground, the turn over rate is ridiculous, around 80 percent. But they don't start hiring until we are 30 people understaffed. We get between 6,000 and 4,000 calls a day, depending on what time of the month. With 7 closers, employees get burnt put real fast. They are ridiculous. I have to put my vacation requests in twice, sometimes three times. Because they are always ‘forgotten.’ I called in Thursday (5/17) because I was sick and because I was scheduled to be T2 I thought it would be approved. Supervisor said it couldn’t be approved because the workload was done, so I would have been T1 (even though I was scheduled to be T2), so it went against my attendance. Thursday, (5/24) we didn’t have any escalations to be done and we had a pretty large queue, we didn’t even come close to meeting service level with a 20%, but yet co-worker got an approved early out. I talked to Manager about it, but she ignored me. I resigned from my T2 spot.

I know Lewistown is no paradise, but at least I won't be in a town I hate, at a job I hate, surrounded by people I hate.

To end this on a positive note:

-I passed my CNA test with a 92%.

-We are having a July 11th barbecue to celebrate being alive after the year we've had. It's at the new house, everyone bring their own chair and drinks! We'll have a fire and spend the night surrounded by good people. Let me know if you'd like to come or help out! It'll be the first time in 11 months that my parents, Kenzie, Starr and I are all in the same place.

-Stitch is growing like crazy! He's huuuge!

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