Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Inner Workings of My Mind (It's a Freakshow)

The way my brain works is different then most. I'm going to try to explain this in the least confusing way possible. 

When I meet someone, they are neutral. I see them as a person. Not cute or ugly (I don't judge on outside appearance). I don't see them and have an initial reaction of I'm attracted or not attracted to them. By attracted I don't just mean physically. I mean connected to them in an emotional/personal way as to build a friendship.

If they do something nice, smart or funny... They go up and they become more attractive.

If they do something dumb, mean or hurtful... They go down and they become unattractive. 

When the good/positive is in the lead they are attractive to me.

When the bad/negative outweighs the rest then I'll find them unattractive.

That's how I initially decide to pursue a friendship/relationship with that person. 

I decided to write about it because Starr and I were talking about how people pick partners/friends and apparently not many people do it like I do!


  1. I'm like that in a way. But instead of being neutral, I put up my wall and wait for them to break through it. I've been treated poorly enough times to know that with my personality, most people aren't worth the time I'd have to put in to have any meaningful relationship.

  2. This is how it SHOULD be but unfortunately too many people are quick to judge by outward appearances. My motto is: If people are nice to me, I am nice to them. Pretty simple but I am surprised at the people who tell me "I can't stand, (whoever). They did this or they did that." I won't judge someone because of someone else's experience with them. Its all about MY experience with them.
