Friday, March 30, 2012

Head In The Clouds

I checked out. My mind is in Lewistown. I want to be there. I'm ready to move. I feel like I'm just sitting here putting in my time, I want time to speed up. I can't help but feel like everything will be better once I get there. Unrealistic? Maybe. But it feels good to have hope. We don't have a move date yet, but we should have one soon. I get to be in Lewistown from the 9th to the 16th and I'm already dreading coming back. Some things I'm excited to be close to:

- Family
- Skeeter
- People in Lewistown know me, I miss knowing people
- You can drive for 10 minutes and be anywhere
- Taco Time
- "The Loop"
- Memories
- Dirt roads
- Pal and Daisy
- Dash Inn
- East Fork
- Mountains
- The Martin Kids
- Spook

1 comment:

  1. I'm gong to miss you soso much when you're gone Kayla. You and girlfriend-wife are my entire comfort zone right now. I finally know what they mean when they say don't put all your eggs inone basket. I want to open my heart to you and explain how I really feel, but as usual, there aren't words to describe it, aside from saying its the most intense feeling I've ever had towards just friends in my entire life. With all this shit that's been going on lately, I don't have anyone I can talk to that's supportive and you're always ready to listen, even when I have nothing to say.
