Thursday, July 26, 2012

Guest Blog: Ging!

Taylor has been by my side for longer than anyone that is currently in my life. We have a weird, ridiculous, awesome friendship that no one else understands. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friendship seems to not be a big deal to a lot of people anymore. Ever since I came to college I haven’t met someone that acts like a true friend should. If they do, its never for long. At least the people I have given a chance to do so thus far.
High school- we had those friends that you could call/text/run off with whenever you needed or wanted to. You cried, laughed, bitched and whined, and went on adventures with these people. They got you into the most trouble, but also had the best days with them. My FAVORITE memories of high school were with the same people- Kayla, Keah, and Sara were almost always there. No matter how mad we got or how bad our fights were we always came back together. They got me through some of the worst days ever. Your true friends teach you things too. To not ditch your friends for boys, to listen to them because they know you and are better judges of character because they’re on the outside, and they proved that love and confidence have a big connection.
College- Is there for the same reason you date multiple people before finding that special one. You have to go through bad ones in order to learn how to love and appreciate the right ones. You meet new people and form friendships, but best friends take more effort to find. College just gives you the options to choose from.
Maybe it’s the small town upbringing, maybe its how your parents raised you, or maybe its just that some people never had that one friend that taught you to be the kind of friend you wanted, or whatever. But whatever it is, some people around here didn’t learn how to be a true friend. I’ve been here for 2 years now and I had a great dorm-roommate and RA. I had 2 “best friends” that ended up treating me like dirt and basically showing me I didn’t deserve their time. I had a former friend use me to my breaking point. Hopefully it isn’t just me, but I seem to go through friends like water. I think I find a good one and then they start acting like a shady boyfriend.
Those true friends that stick with you through everything, and you know you can call even when you are fighting, those are hard to find and need to be cherished. Everyone needs their friend that can give them brutally honest answers when you ask for them and tell you when it is or isn’t your fault. If I didn’t have one I would still be crying in a corner about losing another friend over something stupid that inside I knew wasn’t my fault.


The link to her blog:
(you'll have to copy and paste it)

I'm trying to get more bloggers so I can do an entire week of people's different views on friendship! Let me know if you'd like to write!

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