Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Way

Right now, I'm sick and tired of everything. I want to vent and scream and cry and then talk it out.

I want to do all of that with my best friend. But she can't talk back to me.

She always has the words to make it right and I don't even have to say anything for her to know what's wrong. I miss her voice and her smell and the way she makes me feel. The way she would just talk and talk and talk when I called her. We could talk for hours and not run out of anything to say. I miss the way she would hold my hand whenever I wanted her to. She would even do it in public. The way she would dance when a song she liked came on, the way we would make eye contact when knew what the other person was thinking. I miss the way she would bite her bottom lip and grunt when she hip checked me. I miss all the cute Facebook notes she would leave me. I miss her threatening to kill anyone who made me sad. I miss the way she would yell 'Suck my dick!' at the top her lungs. I miss the butt wars we would have in the bathroom when we were getting ready for school in the morning. I miss her telling me that I was making her late, like always. I miss bothering her until she finally let me paint her nails.

I miss the way she smiled with her eyes, her laugh and her voice. I miss Kenzie. I miss my best friend. I miss my little sister.


  1. I miss you being truley happy :(

  2. I don't know you and you don't know me but I feel completely compelled to let you know that you are an utter inspiration. I read your blog every day. I have never met your sister but I have followed her story since the accident. She's lucky to have a sister like you, Kayla. I have a passion for creative writing and every post you have written has taught me something new. Keep it up :)
