Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What's On My Mind

Things that are on my mind right now:

I love our fish. We got two Betas. They each have their own vase. Mine is named Iago (EE-ah-go) and Starr's is named Speider. (Sp-EE-I-der) Who would have thought that fish would have such big personalities? Iago plays with is food and comes right up to the glass when I'm on the other side. We have stare offs. Speider is a little more shy but he isn't as skittish as Iago.

I love my girlfriend so much. Our relationship isn't perfect by any means. She gets mad at me when I leave all the lights on or all the cupboard doors open and I'm always forgetting something, and she makes me crazy when she stresses out over little things. But we love each other and I think we are meant to be. We mean the world to each other and we aren't okay if the other person isn't okay. Plus, we are adorable.

Kenzie's accident has been really hard for everyone; it's a really big deal. But you CAN talk to me about other things. I am still trying to live my life. It's hard, but it's harder when, on the rare occasion that I'm thinking about something else, she is brought back into conversation.

But on that note, I do have a Kenzie update for everyone. I think everyone knows who Pal is, he was my kitten but turned into my Dad's. He made Kenzie CRAZY, he's kind of bad. The other day, he was sitting on her and my mom told Kenz to scratch the kitty and she closed her eyes and DID! WOO! She also asked Kenzie to move her thumb, and she did that too. Rock star!

I don't talk about my cousin very much, but she is one of the most important people in my life. I love her so much. I can tell her whatever is on my mind and no matter what it is, I feel safe telling her, because I know she won't judge me. She is strong, supportive, selfless and one of my heros. I always wanted a big sister, and I feel like I finally got her. 

& here is a link to my Facebook

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