Monday, December 5, 2011

If It Happens All the Time, It's a Personality, Not a 'Bad Mood'

2011 was a hard year for a lot of people. It seems that people everywhere are suffering and going through some sort of struggle. Maybe everyone has always been dealing with some sort of issue and I'm just realizing it.

The higher power up there doesn't seem like it wants people to get too comfortable or for life to be too easy. Life is always going to have some sort of hurdle to jump. It's always going to be hard, but people have to decide how to deal with it.

It's frustrating when someone is continually talking about how bad they have it or how much they have to deal with and they don't do anything about it. They expect the problem to fix itself and while they just sit there and cry. Guess what? Life doesn't work like that. Those complainers on Facebook get deleted. They don’t get to be part of my life. Put your big girl panties on people. Drowning in your sadness isn’t going to help with anything, so why do it?

I used to be like that. I used to feel sorry for myself. But I'm lucky enough to have strong, independent people to look up to (ex. Dad, Starr). They are the ones that showed and told me how to deal with all of those challenges that get throw my way. When I need to cry or break down, I go to another room and cry, then wipe the makeup off of my face and get on with my day. I admire those that taught me such a valuable life lesson.

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