Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ignorant Assholes

The Billings Gazette did a story on my cousin Katie and the fundraisers she has planned. Here's the link.

A few people chose to be huge assholes and critize my family for letting Kenzie live. Our bad right? Wrong. Fuck them. I wanted to get mean and nasty and fuck their shit up but... in order to have my comments approved I was civil. My comment hasn't been approved yet, but I decided to post it here:

Ignorant comments by ignorant people are causing my family unnecessary pain. Do you think we made the decision lightly? By the way, I'm Kayla, Kenzie's big sister. Did you know that when I say her name she smiles at me? Or when she hears my voice, she turns her head at looks at me? Did you consider that maybe you don't know everything? This is America and you can say what you want but there is a time and there is a place. This is about my cousin, Katie, doing an awesome thing and having a huge heart. She has gone above and beyond since 7/11/11; the day my world stopped spinning. Kenzie might not ever have an independent life, but guess what? You don't need an independent life to be happy and feel love. There are handicapped people everyday that can love and laugh and feel happiness. People who have lost someone would kill for the chance to save them. Guess what? We got that second chance. She might not be able to talk but she can smile and she can feel love. I know because I see her and spend time with her. Just this morning I got a message from one of the nurses that works with Kenzie and she told me that she is so impressed with the progress my little sister has made. Just because she doesn't have the same life as she did before doesn't mean she doesn't deserve any life at all. Think what you want, but do not ostracize my family for the decisions that we have made in order to be together. Think before you say things, while you get to walk away from your computer and go on with your life, this is a decision we will have to live with every day for the rest of our lives. But at least we don't have to live with the 'what if' of it all.


  1. Kayla -- I don't normally comment on your blog (or know you that well), but I read it often and think it is great for you to have this outlet for you. I just wanted to say I think this is a great comment and it is great that you wrote it -- hopefully those people who are so critical never have to make the decisions your family has had to make or deal with the pain all of you have had to deal with, and they should consider that before posting comments about experiences they've never had. But, your tactful comment is great and maybe will remind them of that and I commend you for writing it and not letting them get to you too much.

  2. Go GET 'EM TIGER!!! Love to you all and God Bless you for stickin up for her and the fam!!!

  3. Stand the ground for has to! I will be praying for you all endlessly. Bernie
