Friday, December 2, 2011

Just My Opinion

College stunts your emotional growth. 18-23 year olds who have adult rights and can make adult choices but they don't have to live adult lives, they can live on campus, work a few hours a week, they don't have to pay bills or have responsibility. The people I know that didn't go to school or dropped out of school are more successful in my eyes. They have to grow up, get jobs, move out and take care of themselves. You let go of the petty shit when you are actually living life.

I'm not saying all college kids are like this, a lot of them aren't. But some of the ones I have encountered are. Don't get me wrong, a college education is a great thing to have, I just think that the way we do it in our society isn't great.

It's awesome to be a kid. It's cool to not have responsibilities, but if you're going to act like a child don't expect anyone to treat you like an adult.

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