Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We Had to Learn it Somewhere...

We have always been a pretty close family, my parents are the kind of people you can tell anything to. They might get pissed... but you know their love is unconditional and they'll get over it sooner or later. They are two of the most amazing and accepting people you'll ever meet. They love us no matter what. Kenzie and I knew that whatever we decided to do with our lives they would be there to support us. They have been together since high school, that's over 20 years. Not very many people in this day and age can say that their parents are still married and in love. Sure, they have had hiccups in their relationship but they have taught us that if you are committed and willing to work through your problems that sooner or later, you'll come out on top and you'll come out together.

My dad- Shy, quiet,and witty. He loves us girls so much. He always worries about us no matter we're doing. When I have questions, about anything, I call him and 9 times out of 10, he has the answer. He has perfect timing and sometimes his remarks are so inappropriate that you just do a double take and say "Wait, what?" (Like that one time he called Kenzie a transvite in Wal-Mart)

My mom- Loud, loud and loud! She is totally accepting and has a passion for teaching little kids. She loves to have a good time and will sit and bullshit with you for hours. Growing up, I could tell her anything. She made it a point to be best friends with both Kenzie and I. When I was a Senior in high school, we went a road trip to Idaho for a relative's funeral. We didn't even listen to the radio, just talked the whole way there. On the way back we stopped at EVERY SINGLE little town, it didn't matter how small. It took us forever to get back, but I can honestly say that was one of the best weekends I've had.

YEP. That's their prom picture.

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