Monday, January 16, 2012

I Do What I Want (And You Should Too)

If you don't like how you are being represented by what someone else is
saying or writing, that sucks. But you can't make them stop. You just
have to represent yourself in the way that you want to be portrayed.
Either suck it up and deal with it or tell your own story. Everyone is
going to judge, that's what people do. Give them accurate information
because people can tell when you're being fake, most just don't say
Just because you don't like what someone is saying doesn't mean they
don't have the right to say it. It might piss you off and you might not
like it but you don't have to read it and you don't have to associate
with that person. I hate pretty much everything that Glenn Beck and
Sarah Palin say but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to talk.
I'm no different when average people say things I don't like, I get
pissed. I usually quit talking to them but that doesn't mean they can't
think and say what they want. You might not like what I have to say but
that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be able to write about it. What I
write is definitely persuasive and sometimes cruel but it's the truth. I
am gonna call you on your shit and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Feelings
get hurt, get over it.
It is human nature to have opinions. The difference between me and
everyone else, is that I am not afraid to express my opinions. It is my
way of dealing with things, and I take advantage of the right to speak
my mind. If anyone is offended or doesn't like what I say, I will refer
you to my first blog where I started of saying "Warning: I am going to
vent, talk about my girlfriend, swear and sometimes be a brat. But
hopefully not all at the same time. If any of these things make you
uncomfortable, go ahead and feel free to stop reading".

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