Monday, January 23, 2012

We've all grown up, and there's no denying that. But its tough to tell if in that growing up, we've simply grown apart.

Personally, my relationship is a higher priority than my friendships.

I love my friends. But Starr is the one who puts up with my shit every single day. If I need to talk, I can wake her up at 3 in the morning and she'll stay up all night. She loves me unconditionally and forgives me no matter what I do. When everyone else turns their back, she's got mine. Whether I'm having an issue with Sammy, my parents or Erika, she is in my corner, just like Kenzie would be. That's a lot more than I can say for others in my life. Starr is a part of me. When we are together is when I feel the least broken. We aren't codependent but we are dependent on each other. We've built a life together, we are best friends, we have a healthy relationship. We are good for each other. She keeps me grounded and I easy her anxiety. We aren't obsessed with each other, we are in love.

Like any happy couple, we like to be together. With her going to school and both of us working 40 hours a week, we don't get to spend that much time together. Yes, we go to the same place every night. But after talking on the phone all day, we like to veg and watch TV at night. Just because we're laying in the same bed doesn't mean its 'quality time together.' So when we do have the same days off, we want to spend them together.

My friends don't talk shit about Starr. My friends know that she makes me happy and they want us to be together. The first time we were together there were some issues, but this second time around everyone has been supportive. We can go weeks or months without talking because none of us are high maintenance, we don't need to be constantly reassured that other people care about us because we know what we mean to each other. Even though we are young, we have each been able to grow up together, while maintaining our own identities.

Starr's friends don't like me. They get mad when Starr doesn't constantly text them or go out to the bars with them. According to them, I was an attention whore when I posted Kenzie's medical updates. I'm controlling when Starr only hangs out for 2 hours instead of 4. They freak the fuck out when we have Girlfriend day because "it's inconvenient when they can't text her for 24 hours." Sometimes, Starr lives her own life instead of doing what they think she should doing and guess what? They get butt hurt about that too. Because of my last blog, they have labeled her 'a shitty friend' and I'm 'a little bitch.' Starr has gone through a lot of shit in the past 6 months, her friends expect her to be the same person she used to be. But, because she is mature, when shit got real, she grew up. She now has school, work, homework, a full time job, financial responsibility and a girlfriend to balance.

Since apparently, other people's brains don't work the way mine does, this needs to be said:

Most of us have that day when you think of one of your friends and say, "We don't have anything in common, we are at different places in life." You'd think at that moment you would stop making that person a priority. You don't have to be someone's friend because it's a habit. You are someone's friend because they add something positive to your life. If you do have someone in your life that just complicates things, get rid of them. Don't be their friend because its more convenient to suck it up then it is to tell them how you feel. You wouldn't continue to date someone if you didn't like them anymore, why would a friendship be different?

I don't talk shit in my blogs. I don't say "So and so is a bitch and I hate her and blah, blah, blah." I do tell the truth. I judge people on their actions and words. Once you say it, it isn't private anymore and you can't take it back. Some people don't like it because I repeat what they say and they don't want everyone else to know how sucky they. Instead of hating me, look in the mirror.

(In previous blogs I have mentioned Ternes, Rosie, Steph, Amber and Tyler. This is not about them. They are the only people in Bismarck who haven't caused drama and continue to be supportive and positive. I love them for that.)

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