Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolution

1. Be me. No matter what I do or decisions I make I want those choices to be what's best for me.

2. Don't be around sucky people.

3. Be a better friend. I have some awesome people in my life and sometimes I'm not 'checked in' and I need to be.

4. Get some direction in my life. It feels like I don't know where to go. I hope Lewistown grounds me and then I can make some decisions.

5. I've just started gettin back in the habit of writing regularly. December was the first month since August that I've done 14 blogs in one month. My personal goal for my blog is to hit 200,000 views by this time next year. (I'm at 56,159 right now.)

I'm not really crazy, I know that just because it's a new year doesn't mean a new me, just a better me. Cause 2012 has to be better than 2011, right?

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