Thursday, January 5, 2012

What The Fuck

If you aren't my Facebook friend then you don't already know... but Erika gets to keep her license. I'm pissed. My current Facebook status is "You end my sister's life and you get to keep your license. Yeah, that sounds fair." My parents asked me to take it down, but I'm a tell like it is kind of girl. That's the way I am. If you don't like it, don't read it. I have 3 points to make.

1.  Yes, I do think that the life Kenzie had before is over. But I do not think that means we should have killed her. I have already heard "You're just like the people on the Gazette saying that her life is over." No I'm not. I've said it before and I'll say it again. THE KENZIE WE HAD IS GONE. We do have a round 2, and it won't ever be the same but that doesn't mean it won't still be good. It is a different life and it's a lot harder, but we still have her and she still has us. Just because we can't have what we did before doesn't mean we can't have anything.

2.  I wrote a blog way back at the beginning about not being mad at Erika. Here it is if you haven't read it.  I'm still not mad about the accident but I am pissed that she goes on with her life and she gets to keep her license. She might get some sort of  repercussions, but she still gets to drive. We already know what happens when she drives. I want her to show remorse and actually do something to show she's sorry. I wouldn't be pissed if she showed regret, apologized or showed some emotion. I might be being too hard on her... but when we were in the hospital she was worried about how much the fines were going to be, "Because I want to get hair extensions." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! You know, after they shaved Kenzie's REAL hair for a third time she probably would have liked extensions, too. But we don't know that because guess what? She can't talk. What a fucked up world we live in.

3. Yes, I am writing about this. My blog is my outlet and I haven't ever censored myself before so I'm not going to start now. People might get pissed, but I don't care. 


  1. Response to number 1: Just like your tattoo says, "You don't have to die to have your life taken."

  2. I love you Kayla. I wish I could say anything.
